Our publications, talks & conferences
Journal of Vocational Education & Training, December 2024
Christopher Winch, Alison Wolf, Sharon Gewirtz, Sait Bayrakdar, Meg Maguire, Andrea Laczik,
Olly Newton, Alice Weavers and Rana Khazbak
November 2024
Young Lives, Young Futures team
November 2024
Young Lives, Young Futures team
November 2024
Young Lives, Young Futures team
November 2024
Young Lives, Young Futures team
Promoting Inclusive Systems for Migrants in Education, Routledge. March 2024
Charlotte McPherson, Sait Bayrakdar, Alice Weavers, Sharon Gewirtz, Meg Maguire,
Christopher Winch and Andrea Laczik
Journal of Vocational Education & Training, March 2024.
Sharon Gewirtz, Charlotte McPherson, Sait Bayrakdar, Meg Maguire, Alice Weavers, Chris Winch, Andrea Laczik,
Olly Newton and Alison Wolf
‘Changing VET landscape, familiar challenges’
InTuition, Issue 51. Spring 2023.
Charlotte McPherson
‘Schools for All? Young people’s experiences of alienation in the English secondary school system’
February 2023
Charlotte McPherson, Sait Bayrakdar, Sharon Gewirtz, Andrea Laczik, Meg Maguire, Olly Newton, Siobhan O'Brien, Alice Weavers, Chris Winch and Alison Wolf
‘Choice, Pathways and Transitions 20 years on’
Thinking with Stephen J Ball: Lines of Flight in Education, Routledge. June 2022.
Sharon Gewirtz, Meg Maguire
Young Lives, Young Futures: Interim Report and Executive Summary
March 2022
Charlotte McPherson, Alice Weavers, Sharon Gewirtz, Meg Maguire, Chris Winch, Sait Bayrakdar, Andrea Laczik
‘Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)’
Learning from the Past, Edge Foundation. Paper No. 4. May 2021.
Alice Weavers
Jobs for the girls?: the aspirations and ambitions of young women on gender-stereotyped vocational pathways
British Education and Research Association (BERA) conference. University of Liverpool.
September 2024.
Meg Maguire
Who gets to have a say? Examining the reality of youth participation in national policymaking in England
4th Journal of Youth Studies Conference, Ulster University. September 2024.
Alice Weavers
"Left in the dark": Young people's perspectives on government policymaking during their transitions to post-16 education and training within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in England.
16th Conference of the European Sociological Association, University of Porto. August 2024.
Alice Weavers
Information Advice and Guidance for those young people who choose a vocational path: a cross national comparison
European Conference on Educational Research, University of Cyprus. August 2024.
Andrea Laczik
The reality and potential of youth participation in national policymaking in England through the perspectives of young people and policymakers.
Nordic Youth Research Symposium, Tampere University. June 2024.
Alice Weavers
‘Educational inequalities beyond attainment: Young people’s attitudes towards schooling in England’
European Network for Social Policy Analysis (ESPAnet) conference. September 2023.
Sait Bayrakdar
'Pockets of Participation': Exploring the experiences of young people and policymakers involved in youth participation in national policymaking in England.
ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia. June 2023.
Alice Weavers
‘Schools: a solution to or a source of problems? Young school leavers’ affectual accounts of the their in-school experiences and their implications for post-16 decision-making and transitions’
British Education and Research Association (BERA) conference. University of Liverpool. September 2022.
Meg Maguire, Alice Weavers
‘Place matters: spatial dimensions of young people’s transitions in an urban setting’
Education and Urban transformations conference, German Historical Institute, London. June 2022.
Meg Maguire
‘Exploring Place in English Post-16 Transitions: Evidence, theory and policy’
Contributions to symposium on the role of place in shaping youth transitions at British Education and Research Association (BERA) conference. September 2021.-
Rethinking youth transitions: an 'equalities-ecologies' framework
Sharon Gewirtz -
Opportunity, equality and agency in England's new VET landscape: the difference that place makes
Meg Maguire
Talks & presentations
'Developing Skills and Talent: Social Mobility and Post-16 Education'
The Social Mobility Commission and Policy Connect, House of Lords. May 2024.
Sharon Gewirtz
Seminar on the Philosophy of Vocational Education
Birmingham Metropolitan College. February 2024.
Olly Newton
Young peoples’ in-school experiences and the part they play in shaping post-16 ‘horizons for action’
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. November 2023.
Meg Maguire
National Union of Education (NEU) seminar
Seminar based on our Schools for All? report. June 2023.
Sharon Gewirtz
Youth Voice Research Showcase Webinar
Presentation of the Schools for All? report. Edge Foundation. February 2023.
Sharon Gewirtz
‘Schools for all? Young people’s experiences of alienation in the English secondary school system’
The Children and Youth Network, University of Manchester. June 2023.
Sait Bayrakdar
Education & Training Foundation staff seminar
Presentation on schools as hostile environments for young people and more positive experiences of learning in alternative/college settings. February 2023.
Charlotte McPherson, Sharon Gewirtz, Sait Bayrakdar, Chris Winch
‘Young Lives, Young Futures: Experiences of Year 11 students in and outside schools’
Edge Foundation Research Review Group. July 2022.
Sait Bayrakdar
Media coverage
‘Rethinking Education: Youth Voice’
The Edge Foundation’s Rethinking Education podcast. March 2023.
Interviewee: Alice Weavers
‘How to address inequalities in access to good quality vocational education, training and employment’
Kantar Public. April 2022.
Interviewee: Sharon Gewirtz
‘Explainer – Structural economic injustice’
Podcast and video produced by Economic (In)Justice. April 2022.
Interviewee: Charlotte McPherson
Project events
Fifth Annual Advisory Panel meeting
April 2024
Fourth Annual Advisory Panel meeting
March 2023
Third Annual Advisory Panel meeting
March 2022